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In April 1967 the Chan family approached the Jesuits to ask if they would be interested in taking over the running of a secondary school to the building of which they intended contributing in memory

Our School Po Leung Kuk No.1 W.H. Cheung College is an aided secondary school established in 1971. The school adopts English as the teaching medium in all classes and for all subjects. It prepares st

We are located very conveniently within a few minutes walk of Tai Po Market station and Uptown Plaza at Yat Nga Court. The kindergarten is a well designed purpose built school comprising of eight cla

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Being pet owners ourselves we understand your concern and strive to provide the best possible care for your pet.
寵物 / 獸醫順心動物診所

Common Rail Hexagonal Solenoid Shim Kit for Common rail shims DENSO series

音樂堂提供的服務包括: 1) 專業音樂課程 a. 各級專業色士風課程 b. 各級兒童色士風課程 c. 色士風婚禮表演課程 d. 各級音樂樂理課程 e. 各級鋼琴課程 f. 各級小提琴課程

Kinder Path擁有二千多呎的校舍,環境設計多元化,落地玻璃視野廣闊,自然光線融合室內各活動空間,孩子可以透過環境學習。Playgroup導師把握幼兒的敏感期,精心設計創新探索活動,利用遊戲浸入學習環境,並透過互動歷程不斷創造孩子的最近發展區 (Zone of Proximal Development) 以提升幼兒發展層次。


Children Workshop offers high standard extra-curricular classes in art, English, dance and playgroup. The team of passionate highly qualified teachers provide an engaging educational experience in eve

Chalk Studios is an outdoor and indoor private party venue located for rent in the heart of Hong Kong’s Lan Kwai Fong, reserved for exclusive private parties.

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